Expanding options: Alternatives analysis and predictive tox, with Tim Malloy

Experiment using 96 well plates
96-well plate. Credit: CSIRO via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0.

The field of chemical regulation is experiencing a shift from risk-based approaches to preventative ones. Initiatives in the European Union (REACH) and California (Safer Consumer Products) are leading the way for such prevention-based regulation. A recent IEAM paper proposes integrating predictive toxicology into Alternatives Analysis, to expedite the process and foster a more rapid and defensible decision when identifying the most environmentally friendly chemical for a given application.  Lead author Tim Malloy outlines ways to achieve the integration. Access the article in the September 2017 issue of IEAM.

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About the Guest

Timothy MalloyTimothy Malloy is a professor in the UCLA School of Law with a joint appointment in the Fielding School of Public Health, and is the director of the Environmental Science and Engineering doctoral program in the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability. His research interests focus on risk governance of chemicals and emerging materials and technologies, and on the application of organizational theory, decision analysis, and modeling to policy. In addition he has worked and written extensively in the area of prevention-based regulation. He is a member of the California Green Ribbon Science Panel, which provides advice to the Department of Toxic Substances Control regarding implementation of the Safer Consumer Products program.

Articles Referenced in this Podcast

Malloy T, Zaunbrecher V, Beryt E, Judson R, Tice R, Allard P, Blake A, Cote I, Godwin H, Heine L, Kerzic P, Kostal J, Marchant G, McPartland J, Moran K, Nel A, Ogunseitan O, Rossi M, Thayer K, Tickner J, Whittaker M, Zarker K. 2017. Advancing alternatives analysis: The role of predictive toxicology in selecting safer chemical products and processes. Integr Environ Assess Manag 13: 915–925. doi:10.1002/ieam.1923

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